One of the best ways you can help rescue cats is to make a donation. We’re truly grateful for your support.
Over 500 homeless and abandoned animals each year find a new home through our shelter- could you help us?
Okinawa Bank
Oojana Branch
savings account 1644471
Tokutei hieiri katsudou houjin doubutsutachi wo mamorukai kerubimu
Daihyou riji Nakamura Risa
Okinawa Bank
Oojana Branch
savings account 1644471
Tokutei hieiri katsudou houjin doubutsutachi wo mamorukai kerubimu
Daihyou riji Nakamura Risa
postal transfer
Postal transfer account 01780-3-63711
Tokutei hieiri katsudou houjin doubutsutachi wo mamorukai kerubimu
Okinawa Bank
(code number) :17080
(account number):12946351
(name) : okuteihieirikatsudouhoujin doubutsutachiwomamorukai kerubimu
Payee Account Number:
17080 - 12946351
Name of Payee Account Holder:
Tokuteihieirikatsudouhoujin doubutsutachiwomamorukai kerubimu
Payee Address
4F 2-1-1 Mashiki Ginowan Okinawa JAPAN
Payee Telephone Number
Wish List
Your donations help us care for the many homeless and abandoned cats that are being cared for in the shelter. Donations can be dropped off seven days a week between the hours of 10:00am to 7:00pm. Thank you for your support of the animals!